Name: Demigod
Prefix: Demigod
Discord Role: Demigod
- /fix hand - Repair the current item you're holding to full durability
- /pweather set - Set your own weather!
- /lore - All available /lore commands!
- /ptime set - Change the time of day for yourself!
- /feed - Fill your hunger bar to full (10 Minute Cooldown)
- /demigodcolor - Use any color prefix that you would like! Use #fff000Demigod formatting!
- /setquit - Set your own custom quit message (50 Characters Max, no color codes)
- 10 Homes
- Pet Storage Limit: 250
One-Time Bonuses:
- 15 Tag Keys
- 15 Cosmetic Keys
- 1 Sell Stick with 750 Uses
- 1 Sort Stick with 300 Uses
- 1 Condense Stick with 300 Uses
- 3 Event Key All for everyone online!